The Billy D. and Joe W. Blog

08 November 2006

Well folks here it is ...the im convo that started it all ...the famous chat of candy and Episode III for which this blog is named.

Billy D: Why do think Anakin goes to the dark side
Joe W. : free candy
Billy D.: that's brilliant
Billy D.: who the hell turns down free candy
Joe W.: i mean... how many times do you think he had candy in his entire life?
Joe W.: plus it's free!?
Joe W.: come on... seriously.... no one turns that down
Billy D.: yeah your right
Billy D.: I can the see Emperor
Billy D.: Like guy with Phony Rolexes
Billy D.: Hey, man Yo I got some Candy
Joe W.: lol.. he opens his robe and there are jawbreakers, starburst, skittles, lollipops, kitkats, etc.
Billy D.: lmao, Exactly
Billy D.: Young Sky-waker, come here you want some Can-dy, and all you have to do IS exterminate the Je-di. Yo wa-nt Water, Hey that's Extra MF.
Joe W.: lmfao!

that's all for now ...until next time remember this ... If it isnt on the internet or funny it means we didnt wirte it .


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