The Billy D. and Joe W. Blog

12 November 2006

hey y'all! Joe W. making this post here... I'm going to give you some conversational highlights from some of the recent conversations Billy D. and I have had.

This first one is from when Billy D. was consoling me about my recent break-up, and telling me where I should go next. So, of course, he uses one of his usual metaphors to get accross his idea. I pick on him for it, and you'll see it here. It's also the same conversation where we came up for the idea for the blog. And I'll throw that in there also. Here you go!

Billy D.: Love is Somtimes Like loosing your keys look every where but you pants pocket
Joe W.: haha... except in the case of "self love".... then that's the first place you go!
Billy D.: ba-zing
Joe W.: i'm trying to beef up my profile... right now it's kinda sad, lol
Billy D.:and a famous Bill -Wolfe quote does nicely
Joe W.: indeed it does
Billy D.: just remember ...."FREE CA-NDY"
Joe W.: lmao! that was the greatest fucking thing ever!
Joe W.: we should start a blog so the world can read our insanely awesome convos
Billy D.: true dat ...we say some mad phat things that really lay down mad beats fo shizzle
Joe W.: lmao... take that for example....
Joe W.: 'true dat son'
Billy D.: and the true dat
Billy D.: fucking eh .. WE INVENTED THAT
Joe W.: lol... true dat!
Billy D.: wow ...that was so white boy
Joe W.: lol.... i would expect nothing less from you
Billy D.: wow i am so white ...i must make wacko jacko look black
Joe W.: haha... ain't nothing in the world that can do that
Joe W.: not even a 10 gallon bucket of sherwin-williams midnight black paint
Billy D.: and that's a lotta black
Joe W.: true dat
Billy D.: true dat


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