The Billy D. and Joe W. Blog

12 November 2006

Joe W. here again, bringing you another hell-arious conversation from the minds of myself and Billy D. This one is just a prime display of randomness and quick wit. Enjoy!

Joe W.: 20 percent of all road accidents in sweden involve a moose
Billy D.: you watching the History channel wolfe?
Joe W.: nope... but in alabama it is forbidden for a man to beat his wife more than once a month
Joe W.: and in china.... you are not allowed to rescue someone who's drowning because it is considered interfering with their fate
Billy D.: how zen
Joe W.: lmao
Billy D.: ok ... I'll bite what's with all the random factoids?
Joe W.: Every month Thames (UK) water treatment plants remove over a ton of pubic hair, whereupon it is taken away to a landfill site and buried
Billy D.: be glad Robin williams dont live in england ...
Joe W.: ba zing!
Joe W.: LMMFAO!!!!!!!
Joe W.: To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles!
Billy D.: and let me guess this made way for the Penial system ..right
Joe W.: lmao.... i dunno, but it kinda makes sense
Billy D.: i dont really know dick about court history
Joe W.: a har har a harley har har
Billy D.: thank you, thank you
Billy D.: you said the thames river plant ....right, well if it's full of horse hair we know one thing ...yup it's time for the annual scrub down and barn cleaning of Cammila
Joe W.: lmao!
Billy D.: "nope... but in alabama it is forbidden for a man to beat his wife more than once a month" - you know what comes on the second instance?
Joe W.: what's that?
Billy D.: an episode of cops is shot


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