The Billy D. and Joe W. Blog

12 November 2006

Billy D here, Here is another quick whitted humourous convo me and Joe had on language ...preferablly the language of bill and joe with the typical off the wall results. Enjoy

Billy D: i needed to write an defination english paper .....and one of the topics was "define a slang word you and your friends use ..." and my thoughts were ....i dunno is it approprate for an english class to define the words Fucktard, assjacket, and "true dat"
Joe W. : lol... yes
Billy D.
is there even definations for them
Joe W. : they can be made
Billy D.
example some assjackets at UNh had no idea what a fucktard was. What the heck is this world coming too
Joe W. : lol... it's coming to complete nonsense that's what
Billy D. :
true dat
Joe W. : true dat
Billy D.
we dont have slang ...we have our fucking lanuage
Joe W. : indeed we do!
Billy D.
and you cant define a lanuage
Billy D.
it's damm near fucking impossible
Joe W. : aye... but it's been done
Billy D. :
well i was going to call it Peterland ...but the gay bar by the airport allreay had that name taken
Joe W. : lmao


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