The Billy D. and Joe W. Blog

26 March 2007

So, I figured what the hell. We'll give you one more for the night. It's up pretty much only for the "wicked retahded" bit, but the set up for that part is pretty good too. Enjoy! -Joe W.

Joe W.: say... have you been by my new pics? i'm looking forward to some hi-larious billy d. comments
Billy D.: your card one ..looks like the super size me guy
Joe W.: lol
Joe W.: alright... i'm running to bed for a couple hours... i'm surprised i stayed up this late... rodeo wore me out
Joe W.: catch ya later
Billy D.: you have a comment
Joe W.: coo'
Billy D.: rodeo?
Billy D.: like cows and ropin
Billy D.: and all that jazz
Joe W.: yup... tonight was the last night... and the xtreme bullriding championship
Joe W.: and zz top performed
Billy D.: how texas can you get
Joe W.: lol... i bought a fine and fancy new black cowboy hat =p
Billy D.: lol...i am not suprised
Joe W.: lol
Billy D.: {Really gay voice }and to complete the amsaoble ...a new cowboy hat that says i am ready to ridem COWBOYS ...Yessssss
Joe W.: lol... you fag
Joe W.: and funny comment, btw
Joe W.: but i'm running to bed
Joe W.: oh, btw... i don't think you read the part where i said i saw ZZ TOP LIVE!!
Billy D.: I DID
Joe W.: bitches!
Joe W.: muahahahahaha!
Joe W.: i'll have pictures soon
Billy D.: You are a WICKED BASTARD
Joe W.: and you are a wicked yankee
Billy D.: and WICKED PROUD
Joe W.: and wicked retahded
Billy D.: it doesnt sound right coming from a texan
Joe W.: lmao... come on... that made me laugh!
Billy D.: you probaly have an accent ...and it does sound wicked rethded
Joe W.: lol... fuck you
Joe W.: you're just jealous i said it and you didn't
Joe W.: i'm out... peace homez
Billy D.: peace

lol... I love how that one ends so abruptly =] Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night/etc! - Joe W.

Hey Folks! Joe W. here. It's been a while since we've given you any ridonkulous conversations between Billy D. and myself. So here's one to keep you occupied until we can get some more up for your laughing pleasure. Enjoy!

Billy D.: well nessy want some HAGUS
Joe W.: haha... no no no...
Joe W.: nessy only eats souls!!! muahahahahahahaha!
Joe W.: so yeah... haggus is good
Billy D.: LMAO
Billy D.: you know what Hagus is right
Joe W.: sheep bladder stuffed with other assorted organs/intestines
Billy D.: with oatmeal
Joe W.: ....AND SOULS!
Joe W.: lol
Billy D.: .....your mom
Billy D.: what
Joe W.: kid... your mom.... she works arnold st. on thursday evenings
Joe W.: ha-ha!
Joe W.: either that or she has a terrible lice infestation in her scalp
Billy D.: OH DONT BE TALKIN ABOUT MY MOMMA ( Snap, Snap Snap )
Billy D.: Your momma so dumb she got hit by a parked car
Joe W.: look... you're the one who brought up moms... and haggus... and nessy.... so you don't tell me what i don't be talking about
Joe W.: haha... so did you! and you got a frigen foot brace for it.... lol
Billy D.: and who pretell what drving said auto ?
Billy D.: i get old the memory fades
Billy D.: lol
Joe W.: all i'm saying, is what kind of dolt puts his foot outside of a vehicle and in front of the tire
Billy D.: me ...aperntly
Joe W.: apparently*
Billy D.: english nazi
Joe W.: flawed grammar implimenter